Nature of Business
Sin Li-Hin is renown for her reliability and innovative ways to provide "Ready to Cook" frozen food, meal or finger items, which is marketed under the brands "Bibik’s Choice, Easy Choice" since 1989 product range:
– Fish process product
Fish fillet, fish nugget, fish finger, seafood ring, fish n chip, crab flavour nibblets, spicy fish fillet
– Chicken process product
Tempura chicken nuggets, chicken patties, pepper chicken patties, BBQ chicken patties, seasoned mid-joint wing and wing stick, tempura chicken patties, spicy chicken nuggets
– Fully cooked product
Crispy chicken with seaweed chicken, chicken katsudon, crispy chicken karaage, yakitori chicken, roasted wing stick, buffalo middle wing, roasted chicken leg, two joint wing, spicy chicken leg meat
– Healthier product
Tempura chicken nugget reduced salt, chicken patties reduced salt, pepper chicken patties reduced salt, roasted chicken fillet, spicy chicken nugget reduced salt
– Halal
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